If you are having issues connecting your GoodWe inverter to your wifi network, there are some simple steps you can take to resolve this issue. These steps include rebooting your router and resetting your modem/router.
Download: GoodWe WIFI Setup Instructions (PDF)
Connect GoodWe Inverter to WIFI
- Power on the inverter.
- Make sure the router is turned on.
- Switch on the WLAN of your device.
Connect to the Inverter WIFI Network
- From your device look for the WiFi signal “Solar-WiFi*”(*means the last 8 characters of the inverter SN) and connect to it.
- Enter the default password: 12345678

Please Note:
- Please make sure there are no other devices connected to the same Solar-WiFi*
- The first indicator on the inverter cover should be double blinking when connecting the “Solar-WiFi*”.
Log into the Admin Page
- In your web browser enter the following address:

2. Log in using the following details:
User Name: “admin”
Password: “admin”

3. Once logged in click”start setup”

4. Select your Wi-Fi router’s SSID and click “Next”

5. Fill in the password for your WiFi network.

6. Click ’Complete’ and the configuration process completes.